Consortium Meeting in Parma on 26-27 September 2023

Six months after the kick-off of the EU project VIPROM “Victim Protection in Medicine”, the VIPROM consortium with partners from Greece, Germany, Austria, Sweden and Italy met in Parma on 26-27 September 2023. The meeting was very well organised and hosted by our Italian partners. After VIPROM being six months on the move as of today, partners shared and discussed what has been achieved, gave updates on current tasks and planned the next steps. This extensive collaborative exchange in Parma was made possible by multiple breakout and group brainstorming sessions.
The completed analyses of stakeholder interviews assessing the training needs in the various groups of front-line responders and students (physicians, dentists, nurses, midwives, medical and dental students, nursing students and students of midwifery science) highlighted that most first responders in the medical sector in our partner countries do not have sufficient knowledge to communicate well with and to identify victims of domestic violence. Most first responders wanted also to gain more knowledge about cultural competence and in addition, wanted to understand better the next steps and the role of the police, social sector and legal sector after victims are identified.
As next steps, the first draft of our planned curricula was introduced: modular with basic and advanced modules. In parallel, the updated training materials of our European training platform on domestic violence were presented. We also discussed the steps necessary to ensure sustainable uptake of our curricula on the organisational level, as well as the accreditation requirements of our new curricula. As VIPROM has also a main focus on training trainers on domestic violence using our training materials, the design of our train-the-trainer- programme was also discussed and developed. Courses for trainer will begin in the fall 2024.
To efficiently disseminate news about VIPROM’s achievements and our planned trainings, respective stakeholders were mapped to pave the way for an ambitious 10-event European webinar series to start in spring 2025. VIPROM coordinator, Prof. Bettina Pfleiderer from the University of Münster in Germany, summarised the meeting as saying, “Through a stimulating and fruitful mutual exchange, coupled with a strong commitment from all partners to achieve the project’s goals, an important milestone towards reducing domestic violence through stakeholder-specific trainings of the medical sector at national level has been achieved. I am very much looking forward to our future work in VIPROM for another 2.5 years!”.
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