Repository of existing training materials

Here you can find a repository of existing training materials on domestic violence in the medical sector from the five VIRPOM partner countries Austria, Germany, Greece, Italy and Sweden. Please note, the materials will often only be available in the native language of the partner countries. However, some content has been translated. Please take the time to review all materials; you might discover valuable insights or information from a “new” country. By clicking on the corresponding links in the Excel files, you will be directed to the training sources.


Existing domestic violence training materials in the medical sector in Austria.

Download here: Repository of training materials Austria (VIPROM)


Existing domestic violence training materials in the medical sector in Germany.

Download here: Repository of training materials Germany (VIPROM)


Existing domestic violence training materials in the medical sector in Greece.

Download here: Repository of training materials Greece (VIPROM)


Existing domestic violence training materials in the medical sector in Italy.

Download here: Repository of training materials Italy (VIPROM)