
In this section we will share our public deliverables resulting from the VIPROM research.


Deliverable 2.1: Stakeholder Needs Assessment

Public version of Deliverable 2.1: “Stakeholder Needs Assessment” of the VIPROM project

Abbreviated version of Deliverable 5.1: Evaluation Strategy

Abbreviated version of Deliverable 5.1: “Evaluation Strategy” of the VIPROM project

Deliverable 3.1: EU and international Training content tailored to the various first line responders in the medical sector

Public version of Deliverable 3.1: “EU and international Training content tailored to the various first line responders in the medical sector” of the VIPROM project

Deliverable 3.2: Design of EU and national Trainer-the-Trainer curricula tailored to various frontline responders

Public version of Deliverable 3.2: “Design of EU and national Trainer-the-Trainer curricula tailored to various frontline responders” of the VIPROM project

Deliverable 2.2: Case Study Report on Key Factors for Successful Organisational Change

Public version of Deliverable 2.2: “Case Study Report on Key Factors for Successful Organisational Change” of the VIPROM project