Maria Eriksson

  • Maria Eriksson is a Professor of Social Work and Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research at Marie Cederschiöld University in Sweden. Her research since the mid-1990s has focused on men’s violence against women, children, and parenthood. She worked at a women’s shelter and has also been involved in higher education, training professionals such as doctors, nurses, psychologists, psychotherapists, and social workers on violence against women and children.
  • Maria’s current research program, in collaboration with local social services, aims to develop a coordinated intervention system for families with children experiencing domestic violence and intimate partner violence (DV/IPV). She has developed training materials for social workers, including a simulation-based course called “court play,” where social work and law students engage in investigations and court hearings related to DV cases.
  • Maria’s work extends to child protection policies and practices, support and treatment interventions, and family law disputes involving DV/IPV. She has been dedicated to creating a safer society and has trained professionals in the non-medical sector, teachers, police officers, legal professionals, priests, and NGO staff members. Her expertise and commitment contribute significantly to addressing the complex issue of men’s violence against women, children, and parenthood, promoting understanding and effective interventions in these challenging situations.