“My Dentist picked up on my problems as I was emotional on a visit last year. He handled it delicately (as did his nurse). He also handed me printed information on police, victim support, domestic abuse agencies. Even though I denied I needed them (at that time), I...
Image by Annie Spratt on Unsplash “…I wondered if it was a simulated injury or actress´s reality…” (medical student after the parcours assessment in surgery) SPP is an innovative educational approach used in medical training. It involves the use of actors who...
Image by Freepik Effective communication is culturalised, and hence requires an empathic, trust-infused, culturally competent, informed, and action-oriented approach. UNDERSTANDING INTERCULTURAL DYNAMICS IN HEALTHCARE In the field of healthcare, where compassion and...
Image (red heels) by rawpixel.com on Freepik The date of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women also marks the beginning of the ’16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence’ leading up to World Human Rights Day on 10 December...
Background Image Image by macrovector on Freepik “Responding to domestic violence in the medical sector: Some lessons learned from the needs assessments conducted by the VIPROM partners.” Aim of the VIPROM project is to develop and implement training...
Background Image of Frantisek Krejci by Pixabay “Domestic violence is more than being beaten up, it’s more than not allowing you to see your friends; not allowing you your own money; it’s controlling your life in every possible way; no one can see it.”...